Our experienced and highly qualified team can offer a professional Clerk of Works service for all manner of infrastructure projects. An on-site representative, our Clerk of Works will focus on quality control, ensuring that all work is carried out in compliance with the design and specification of your project and follows statutory regulations.

Our Clerk of Works professionals record regular audit findings using the advanced technology only available in our own innovate quality assurance system, F0CUS. Any issues, deficiencies or non-conformities that we encounter during audits and routine surveillances are addressed by issue of a notice or non-conformance sheet. This way, you can rest assured that your infrastructure project will remain on track, with any issues rectified quickly and with minimal fuss.

F0CUS our unique quality assurance system

Unique within the infrastructure industry, at TSS we have our very own quality assurance system, F0CUS for use on iPhone and iPad. Using F0CUS, audits and findings are communicated much more quickly and effectively between teams, whilst reducing the amount of unnecessary paperwork and trips to the office to hand over copies, saving you both time and money on your project.

Find out more about F0CUS here.

Summary of service:

  • Recording of on-site measurements
  • Agreement and monitoring of on-site variations
  • Instructing and recording of variations in line with the agreed DOA
  • Quality auditing to ensure that works are carried out to specification
  • Reporting on any variations and non-compliances

Why TSS?

At TSS, we have over a century in experience working within the Infrastructure Sector. We always strive to:

  • Act with integrity.
  • Provide the highest standards of service.
  • Promote trust and transparency.
  • Treat everyone with respect.
  • Take responsibility and be accountable.

Contact tss

For more information or to enquire about our services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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